To get represented by an agency you should build a large body of unique stock photos. Stock agents are not exclusively for established shooters and are always open to new shooters.  They are as much interested in what you can do in the future as what you’ve done in the past.  Their primary interest is how much are you going to shoot and how good will the quality be?  If you shoot what everybody else does, you won’t get in.  With a larger supply of stock photos available than demand and you shooting flowers, rocks, and moss, you will have a much more difficult time being accepted than if you shoot people outdoors. This will be the first point they address. Nature is a specialized area of the overall industry and close to the bottom in terms of the best selling categories. This creates another reason for you to join an agency in hopes they will find new markets for your images.The content you are trying to access is only available to members. Sorry.
